Τρίτη 1 Απριλίου 2014

Reflexology in Europe Network at the Brussels offices of the European Parliament

Did you know?

That Reflexology through RiEN was represented and presented at the conference and exhibition on the theme of 

‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Innovation and Added Value for European Healthcare’

that took place

at the Brussels offices of the European Parliament on Tuesday 8th - 10th October 2012.

The conference was organised by the European stakeholder group for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EUROCAM), with a support from EPHA and kindly co - hosted by MEP's Elena Oana Antonescu (EPP, Romania), Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, Finland) and Alojz Peterle (EPP, Slovenia).

You can read about the conference here:

and what our Chair Louise Vaughan-Arbuckle (pictured in the midlle) shared with everyone in the RiEN newletter here:

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