Τρίτη 1 Απριλίου 2014

A Guide in Securing the Quality of Research Projects for Alternative Therapists

Prepared by the Danish Reflexologists Association’s (FDZ) 

Research Committee
Lone Mørch and Leila Eriksen

The Council Concerning Alternative Treatment
The National Board of Health

Placebo control (page 9): It is considered extremely difficult, not to say impossible, to carry out placebo controlled experiments with alternative treatment methods. The reason being, that the treatment systems are based on theories in which it is believed to be impossible to give the placebo clients a real "ineffective" treatment, that is a "fake" treatment. Furthermore, the therapist will always know which clients are treated "right" and which are treated "wrong", thus blurring the picture of the treatments effectiveness and influencing the result.

May be found from The Danish National Board of Health.


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