Παρασκευή 11 Απριλίου 2014

2014 European elections - A call for action.

Dear Reflexologists across Europe,
Heinrike Bergmans

Please help us to inform electable MEP’s about the good work we do and the support we need from them.

RiEN is a Pan-European organization, uniting 34 Reflexology associations from 18 EU countries, representing thousands of Reflexologists and 21 schools from 14 countries at present. 

Reflexology is a Complementary and Alternative Medicine modality (CAM) widespread across Europe.
RiEN is a member of the European Federation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EFCAM) headed by its President, Mr Seamus Connolly.
Across the EU at least 25% of citizens use CAM and there are some 500,000 practitioners in all. 360,000 of them are trained in specific therapies rather than as medical practitioners. CAM therapies include:  aromatherapy, kinesiology, naturopathy, reflexology, shiatsu and yoga.

Appropriate European regulation is now urgently needed to assure the right to practice of all appropriately trained practitioners of all CAM practices and to assure equity of access to CAM to citizens.
By way of general information, CAM is part of a global system of traditional and indigenous health practices adapted across cultures and continents. Its primary focus is health not disease, e.g. health maintenance and promotion as well as illness prevention rather than pathology and treatment.  Its most consistently sought applications are for wellbeing, health maintenance, prevention and a more personally sustainable and cost effective management of chronic illness.
CAM supports the key elements that contribute to good health including diet, exercise, health education and health literacy, healthy lifestyle practices, holistic treatment for illness - (the capacity of the individual to know and implement healthy life practices within their own unique cultural context).

In keeping with our colleagues in several EU States and on behalf of RiEN's membership, I would like to ask you, to contact your national MEP’s and ask their support, if elected, to work for equitable access to CAM by citizens in all member States, and, for a Europe-wide system of recognition and regulation of both the CAM therapies themselves and the practitioners. 
If the MEP’s are agreeable, RiEN by means of the local Reflexology organizations [and the EFCAM President, Mr Connolly] would be pleased to meet with them to outline the current situation with regard to the provision of CAM  therapies  and indicate how we could assist them on an ongoing basis in being able to speak about CAM in the European Parliament and its institutions.

In this regard please find attached the position of EFCAM in relation to CAM in Europe.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Heinrike Bergmans
Representative EFCAM for RiEN

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