Τρίτη 15 Ιουλίου 2014

Happy Birthday AoR, looking forward to the next 30 years

Beyond any doubt one out of two or three Reflexology associations that stand out in our Reflexology world is the Association of Reflexologists (UK) - AoR. The AoR for years now have inspired and directly or indirectly assisted Reflexology & Reflexologists around the world either on an individual practitioner level, either on an association level. It might seem as an exageration but it is fair to say that the UK is the "Mecca" of Reflexology! Or so we think.

    Whatever the case, this year is a very special one since the AoR are celebrating their 30th Birthday! On behalf of the RiEN, we would like to send our best wishes to our fellow RiEN member and request they keep up the good work.

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